
Cricket like you never experienced before

CricNuts provides coverage for cricket played in US, via video commentary and talk shows.

We want to bring local cricket leagues and players the recognition they deserve and inspire a new wave of cricket enthusiasts, and on the way enable business owners to get involved in local league cricket to grow the sport. Check out our current current portfolio to understand our offering.

We’re integrating cutting-edge AI technology to generate our post-match commentary, providing engaging and objective analyses for each game along with our services. Our innovative blend of cricket, digital media, and AI technology (and lot of passion) promises to bring a unique and enriching experience to our audience.

We stands out from the rest by providing innovative game coverage through the alter egos of famous cricketers.

With their witty banter and valuable information, you won’t want to miss out!

Engaging AI-powered video commentary by Supercharging traditional scorecards

Digital Media Partnership

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